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Writer's pictureStephanie

Cactus Country RV Park + Time with Old Friends| Tucson, AZ

Our chief goal in stopping in Tucson, AZ was not the gem and mineral show which, unbeknownst to us before we scheduled this stop, is one of the largest shows of its' kind and draws an estimated 65K+ people to the city each year.

Not my best timing. Probably won't end up being my worst though so...we'll disregard.

The reason we were all excited to visit Tucson is because that is the current domicile of very dear family friends. We went to the Pima Air & Space Museum with them and enjoyed a home-cooked meal, time in conversation while the kids played together, and then joined them for church before heading out to our next destination.

It was a short visit but a cherished one.

Bonus Home-school Moment: we were able to see a horned owl in its nesting tree and heard its loud hoot. It was not pleased with us that we spotted him.


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