It's October. We've sold our house. Sold or given away most of our things that filled that house. We're staying with my parents. We still haven't purchased an RV. Job opportunities are opening up and a two-bedroom condo is for sale. We could still change our minds.
The kids have been all in with this idea since the start. One of the things we talked with them about was taking the travel trailer to the beach and staying there for a week or so to start out the adventure. But now the weather is steadily getting colder and there's no RV in sight. Not wanting to break a promise and needing to shore up our own wavering confidence, Josh had the brilliant idea of renting a travel trailer at Myrtle Beach Travel Park for a week. It would give us the chance to take the kids to the beach, experience several continuous days in an RV, and hopefully confirm whether or not we would move forward with this crazy idea.
Yeah, we fell in love with RV life. Even with the inconveniences of not having the ability to edit our environment (like adding hooks for coats) we loved every minute. We walked everywhere, read books, played games in the rig and in the laundromat while we washed our clothes, we did well with very little and each of us left at the end of the week excited to find a rig of our own and head out on this crazy adventure.